Depoimento: Irmã Anabela Carneiro

Vulnerabilidade no caminho sinodal

A Assembléia Plenária da UISG é um dos eventos mais importantes na vida da União e é reservada exclusivamente a seus membros, as Superioras Gerais das Congregações Religiosas.

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Testimonio: Hna. Zully Rojas Quispe

Abrazar la indignación y la esperanza

Abrazar la vulnerabilidad en la Amazonia de Madre de Dios, del Sur Oriente peruano es abrazar la Gracia y la debilidad, es abrazar la indignación y la esperanza, es abrazar el sueño hecho pesadilla y el sueño hecho realidad en gestos de justicia, paz, defensa de la vida.

Hoy estamos sembrando juntas y juntos, mañana cosecharemos y celebraremos, igualmente juntos, los signos de vida nueva que nos hablan de vida plena. Abrazar la vulnerabilidad es abrazar la cruz y la resurrección.

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Testimonianza: Sr Jolanta Kafka

Un tempo di Kairos sinodale

"Sento di dire ‘Grazie a Dio e la Chiesa’ per la chiamata al Sinodo… la sento come un dono e un Kairos.

Lo stile sinodale ci è familiare ma adesso ci sentiamo interpellate ancor di più per partecipare nel cammino della Chiesa, con gli altri, inserite nella Chiesa locale."

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Testimonio: Ir. Marlene Fatima Betlinski, fa

Querer sempre o bem umas das outras

"Abraçar a sinodalidade no caminho sinodal é " pensar o bem, desejar o bem e querer sempre o bem umas das outras", nos diz nossa fundadora Madre Clara Ricci. Como Irmã Franciscana Angelina em missão em terras amazônicas, a sinodalidade é essencial para a aproximação da vida cotidiano dos irmãos, por caminhar juntos exige  humildade, despojamento, escuta e sobretudo muito amor."

Ir. Marlene Fatima Betlinski, fa


Le chemin synodal est un chemin nouveau

Ce thème résonne particulièrement en moi car il rejoint profondément mon expérience de la synodalité depuis que je suis arrivée à Rome pour cette nouvelle mission au service du synode des Evêques.

C’est vraiment une aventure, à la fois passionnante et complexe, riche et difficile parce que ce chemin synodal tant pour notre équipe au Secrétariat du Synode que pour toute l’Eglise est véritablement un chemin nouveau non tracé d’avance.

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Testimony: Sr. Sarah Kohles, OSF

Times of confusion

It is likely the whole range of experiences will surface during our listening to each other through the synod process. Yet, I wonder if the gift of synod and the challenge of listening together might invite us to pause and consider: Can we walk together on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24), as disciples walk with Jesus and try to make sense of these confusing times?

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Testimony: Sr Maria Cimperman

The synodal journey is a beautifully vulnerable walking together

"The synodal journey is a beautifully vulnerable walking together, humbly recognizing we all need God, one another and all creation. The theme invites me to see even risk-taking, another form of vulnerability, as the Spirit’s movement further into the reign of God. Thank you for offering consecrated life this theme!"

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Testimonio: Hna. M. Luisa Berzosa

Sueño con que sepamos abrazar todas las vulnerabilidades

Cuando recibo un abrazo con ternura siento que todo mi ser queda envuelto en esa experiencia de acogida incondicional y por tanto también mi parte limitada y vulnerable, el no ser omnipotente ni autosuficiente, sino necesitada de otras manos que me sostienen y empujan suavemente, de otros pies que me abren camino porque lo hacen con mayor rapidez y me permiten dejar mi propia huella, aunque sea lentamente.

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Testimonianza: Sr. Grace Marie Del Priore

We are vulnerable and fragile people without exceptions

We Felician Sisters in North America experienced this in a powerful way during the COVID pandemic. Within a period of two months, we lost fourteen of our sisters.

Our vulnerability became our strength. Being reminded of our fragility was a call to deeper connection with each other. We shared about our faith, how our relationships with God helped us through that difficult time. We lived the interdependence that we strive for, each taking her turn caring for others needs. This inspired me to embrace how much we rely on each other, and to move from an independent stance.


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Testimonianza: Sr Licia Mazzia SFP

Tutte noi religiose vogliamo camminare insieme

Tutte noi religiose vogliamo camminare insieme, insieme nella Chiesa. Insieme alle persone più vulnerabili, interconnesse le une alle altre.

Vogliamo lasciarci interpellare dalle inquietudini, dalle paure, dalle incertezze e abbracciare la vulnerabilità consegnandola allo Spirito Santo perché lo Spirito possa trasformarla, attraverso la nostra solidarietà.

Il tempo della pandemia ci ha messe tutte e tutti dinanzi alla nostra natura più vera, vale a dire alla fragilità legata al nostro essere creature. Sappiamo tutte per esperienza che la vulnerabilità è fonte di sofferenza, angoscia, dolore, Conosciamo tante esperienze in cui davanti alla propria vulnerabilità, si è reagito con meccanismi di rabbia, depressione, chiusura, tristezza, isolamento.

Nessuna, nessuno di noi può bastare a sé stesso, ma abbiamo bisogno gli uni degli altri, le une delle altre, nel rispetto, nell’accoglienza, nel dialogo, tenerezza, nella fiducia e nell’amore reciproco, camminando insieme.

Sr Licia Mazzia SFP - Superiora Generale Suore Francescane dei Poveri

Testimony: Sr Patricia Murray

Be prepared to be surprised by the Holy Spirit

“The theme of the UISG Assembly is saying: when you embrace vulnerability, when you listen deeply, when you walk beside others, you're called to change. So in some way, at the Assembly we are called towards some sort of change. What is it? I don't know. It's not a planned change. And that's what the Synodal journey is about. Be prepared to be surprised by the Holy Spirit.


In a way, embracing vulnerability is embracing personal vulnerability, the vulnerability of church, the vulnerability of the church that has failed in terms of abuse, in terms of not responding, not giving space to every voice, which mostly are the voices of women.


“Synodal” means to walk together; if I walk together with somebody, I really want to encounter them and listen to them. Especially, listen to the voices that I don't particularly agree with. It's easy to listen to those who agree with me, it is much harder to listen to those who have different political perspective, vision of life or the world. Synodal way is an invitation to walk together. Will everybody take on that invitation? No. But I think if we begin our way of walking and listening together at depth, something may happen. Our hearts will change and, hopefully, also the hearts of other people.”

Sr Patricia Murray, ibvm - Executive Secretary of UISG