Assembly of the Rome Constellation
Assembly of the Rome Constellation
“When the members of the Church allow themselves to be led by the Spirit of the Lord to horizons that they had not previously glimpsed, they experience immeasurable joy. In its beauty, humility, and simplicity, this is the ongoing conversion of the way of being the Church that the synodal process invites us to undertake.” (Instrumentum Laboris, n. 110).
In the light of this exhortation of the Instrumentum Laboris of the 2024 Synod, we walk in synodality, searching joyfully for new paths ahead.
With this letter we announce that our annual Assembly will take place on January 9, 2025 from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The encounter will be in UISG headquarters. We invite all Superiors General of the Constellation to participate in this encounter, which is always an occasion to meet one another, learn, share and strengthen our identity as consecrated women in the Church, called to embrace the challenges that our institutes face today.
Sr. Simona Brambilla, secretary of the CICLSAL, has accepted the invitation to guide the Assembly in a reflection that will be highly relevant and committing for us all: “Authority in consecrated life in a synodal Church”.
During the Assembly translation will be provided in Italian, Spanish and English.
We are convinced that this occasion will permit us to reflect and will offer us direction for our ministry of authority and animation of our institutes. We invite you to save this date in your calendars and register as soon as possible.
The program of our encounter will be as follows:
- Date: January 9, 2025 from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- Theme: “Authority in a Synodal Church”
In addition to the reflections that Sr. Simona Brambilla will share with us, several Superiors General have been invited to share their experiences with us on a variety of practical topics: restructuring; canonical visits; and the mission of Superiors General in an intercultural council.
Participation requires online registration through the UISG website, using the following link: https://uisg.net/Assemblea-2025-01-09 before January 2, 2025. We ask that you send your registration fee of 75.00 Euros by bank transfer, using the following information:
- Destinatation: UISG - Internazional Union for Superiors General
- Bank: Credito Valtellinese
- Indirizzo: Via S. Pio X, 6/10 - 00193 Roma
- IBAN : IT18M0521603229000000091195
- Reason: (codice congregazione) per Assemblea 2025
We are looking forward to your presence and that of other Superiors General to deepen in various themes together, and to enrich one another so we can give life to the ministry which is asked of us today. We pray with you all so that the exercise of authority be always an expression of communion at the service of the mission.
With sisterly affection: Sr. Neusa Mariano de Fatima, Sr. Pauline Mwadi Kasila, Sr. Hortensia Yameogo, Sr. Lucia Walker, Sr. Martha Gabriela Hernandez, Nancy Nohrden