Participation, governance, authority
Participation, governance, authority
"There exist complex challenges that we can only face together."
Sr Mary Barron, OLA, UISG President
The last of three events of the "Conversations on the Synod" series, that the UISG has organised in anticipation of the upcoming Synodal Assembly, was held on September 29.
The event centred on the reflections of the five UISG delegates and some of the USG delegates to the Synod and it specifically explored the third main theme of the Synod: participation.
The meeting, like the two previous ones based on the first two areas of action, communion and mission, was conceived as a time for shared reflection in small groups and conversation in the Spirit: "a way of conversing that allows for deep listening and responsiveness".
This method, which will also be used during the Synod Assembly in October, implies deep listening and reflection, and an underlying question that has an ever-burning light: "what are you asking us today, God?"
Following the first moment dedicated to a brief overview of the UISG-USG synod process, Sr. Maria Cimperman, coordinator of the UISG Synod Commitment Initiative, introduced the five UISG delegates and the three UISG delegates to the Synod who shared with the participants some reflections on consecrated life and on the theme of participation:
- Mary Barron, OLA - UISG President, Superior General, Sisters of Our Lady of Apostles
- Patricia Murray, IBVM - Executive Secretary of the UISG
- Elizabeth Mary Davis, RSM - Theologian
- Elysée Izerimana, Op. SDN - General Councilor, Worker Sisters of the Holy House of Nazareth
- Ernesto Sánchez, FMS - Superior General, Marist Brothers
- Maria Nirmalini, A.C. - Superior General, Apostolic Carmel Congregation
- Mark Hilton, SC - Superior General, Brothers of the Sacred Heart
- Tesfaye Tadese MCCJ - Superior General, Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus
The meeting concluded with an emotional moment of participation in which the people taking part in the event raised their hands in blessing and prayer for the participants of the Synod Assembly to the notes of the music Adsumus Sancte Spiritus.
"Let us continue to reflect on what the invitation of the Spirit is and to listen to his call."
UISG Communocations Office
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