
Outras Noticías

Charismatic Family Meeting

Charismatic Family Meeting


The second annual meeting of all Charismatic Families is approaching, set for Saturday 25 November, which will be in-person to continue the journey together and in communion with as many people as possible.


The theme of the day will be: Three great challenges for Charismatic Families:

  • Interculturality
  • Awareness of the equal dignity of different vocations
  • Walking together as a Family to receive and live the gift of unity


See the Programme of the meeting


 We are providing some practical information which we kindly ask you to consider:

  1. Simultaneous Translation into and from Spanish is provided;
  2. The participation fee is:
  • Euro 50.00 with lunch included;
  • Euro 40.00 without lunch.


Those who wish may contribute in supporting the costs of the day's organisation with a free contribution.


To participate, please register online no later than 21 November by filling out the following Google for


For further information, please contact: famigliecarismatiche@gmail.com