

Visits: Solidarity with South Sudan

Visits: Solidarity with South Sudan


From fr. David Gentry, Solidarity with South Sudan:


Greetings, Congregational Leaders, from the Office of Mission Promotion at Solidarity with South Sudan.  

As most of you are probably aware, Solidarity with South Sudan is YOUR project, an inter-congregational initiative of the International Union of Superiors General (UISG) and the Union of Superiors General (USG).  Solidarity celebrates our fifteen anniversary this Fall, and, over these past fifteen years, dozens of women and men religious from many different congregations have responded to the call to ministry among the people of South Sudan, one of the most impoverished and conflict-ridden countries on Mother Earth.  Further, the congregations of the UISG and USG have contributed very generously in the effort to improve the lives of the people of South Sudan through teacher training, nurse and midwife training, sustainable agriculture, and faith formation and pastoral care.


We still need your collaboration and support! Solidarity with South Sudan cannot survive without your active participation.  My colleague Sister Margaret Scott, RNDM, and I are based in Rome and welcome the opportunity to make a visit to any congregational leader or leadership team, to any gathering of general chapter delegates, to any group within your congregations focused on Justice and Peace, or to any interested group whatsoever.  We are delighted to speak with any professed religious who may discern that perhaps God is calling them to ministry in South Sudan.  We can come and visit you in person.  We can arrange a video chat.  You are also welcome to schedule a visit with our staff at the Solidarity Offices in Regina Mundi, part of the UISG complex across the river from Castel Sant’ Angelo in Rome.  We are at your disposal.


To organize a visit, please contact Mission Promoter - Fr. David Gentry at : missionpromoter@solidarityssudan.org