

Co-responsibility in the mission of the UISG Council of Delegates

Co-responsibility in the mission of the UISG Council of Delegates

"Synodality: listening, withdrawing, praying. More silence than dialogue, even among people."

Sr. Maria Cimperman, rscj, Coordinator of the Synodal Engagement Initiative at UISG.

On the second day of the meeting of the UISG Delegates, after a prayer led by Sr. Mary John Kudiyiruppil, SSpS, Executive Vice-Secretary of UISG, Sr. Maria Cimperman, rscj, Coordinator of the Synodal Engagement Initiative at UISG, traced a historical overview of the Second Vatican Council and collaboration with institutions in religious life. Quoting the words of Pope Francis (September 18, 2021) on synodality expressing "the nature of the Church, its form, its style, its mission," Sr. Maria then invited the sisters to reflect on certain questions: what does it mean to be a participative Church? What does it mean to open ourselves to listening?

Synodality is indeed inclusive; we listen to each other and mutually share our experiences, in total transparency. This is why there is talk of "co-responsibility in the mission": working together, the invitation is to collaborate creatively, including globally other religious, priests, bishops, and those in society living on the margins.

What are the implications for consecrated life? What do openness and participation, discernment, and conversation in the Spirit mean? What is the time we are living inviting us to?


It is through the methodology of conversation in the Spirit that the delegates also reflected on the organization of the UISG Plenary Assembly to be held in 2025.

In the second part of the day, the delegates elected the General Superiors who will replace a part of the UISG Council and be part of it until the celebration of the assembly in 2025.

The meeting continued with an update from the administrative department, followed by a presentation of the strategic vision taking shape. This strategic path offers promising prospects for the future.