Pope Benedict XVI has returned to the house of the Father
Pope Benedict XVI has returned to the house of the Father
Message of Sr Nadia Coppa, ASC President of the UISG
With sorrow we join the choral prayer of the Church for our dear Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI who, today, 31 December 2022, has returned to the house of the Father.
We thank the Lord for the Wisdom and humility with which he accompanied the People of God and for the witness of love with which he sustained the path of the Church by giving his life during the years of his pontificate.
With gratitude we raise to God our praise for the dedication and care he reserved for religious life and for the prophetic thrust of his magisterium that will remain in the memory of us all.
May he now sing with all the saints the glories to the Paschal Lamb who created and redeemed him and by whom he allowed himself to be transfigured.