

Sisters for the Environment: Integrating Voices from the Margins

Sisters for the Environment: Integrating Voices from the Margins


Sisters for the Environment: Integrating Voices from the Margins is a statement of the International Union of Superiors General (UISG).


UISG is a membership organisation for the leaders of Catholic women's congregations, representing over 600,000 Catholic Sisters worldwide. Numbering over 7,900 Superiors General (or congregational leaders), with Generalates (or headquarters) in 97 countries, the UISG network is estimated to be one of the largest providers of direct community support in areas including health, hunger relief, and care for children. Alongside its core mission of training, supporting and connecting members, UISG acts as an umbrella organisation for Sisters engaged in tackling some of the world's most pressing development challenges.


As Sisters, we are convinced of the need for an integral, integrative and inclusive approach to realising the United Nations 2030 Agenda and the Laudato Si' Goals.


Integral: we are holistic in tackling social and environmental issues, advocating from a vision that is both human and spiritual as we seek sustainable solutions.

Integrative: we build bridges to bring people together, focusing on our shared humanity as we journey towards a safe,just and peaceful future for all.

Inclusive: we leave no one behind, knowing that the world's most marginalised communities can teach us all the resilience required to confront the challenges of our time.


As our leaders increasingly acknowledge the need for global development solutions rooted in justice, and not just charity, we believe it is vital to recognise that millions of people still face significant obstacles in affirming their right to participation. As Sisters, we build our mission on evidence from our work on the ground, inspired by our reflection on the Gospel message, the Church's social teaching, and the leadership of Pope Francis.


Catholic Sisters and their allies are at the forefront of a movement to shape global conversations around the needs of our most vulnerable communities. In this spirit, UISG issues the following statement.


Download the statement


Read the article on the Vatican News


isabel miguelez franco

una buena iniciativa.............. unidas podemos lograr mejorar la vida del planeta............ Todo está interligado. Tú desde Africa y yo desde América nos encontramos en la misma casa común. Gracias por tu testimonio y por tu coraje!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Muy interesante y fundamental esta Declaración. Me capta la atención el enfoque integral, integrador e inclusivo. Impulsa al compromiso con el cuidado y defensa de nuestra casa común; a la construcción de redes que priman por la paz, la justicia y e l bien de todos. Pretendo hacer parte de este "PROYECTO" porque creo en él.

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