

Transforming childcare: Global religious communities leading the way – part 1

Transforming childcare: Global religious communities leading the way – part 1


Webinar organized by Catholic Care for Children International


Scripture and science both affirm that children need families. Families are uniquely suited to provide the love, nurture, security and advocacy that children need to thrive. Yet around the world, millions of children live in institutions, separated from the care of their families. Increasingly, residential care programmes are shifting their service models to support children in families. Religious communities around the world are committed to finding the best possible care for children in institutions and to preventing the separation of children from their families.


In this series of webinars, religious communities from around the world will share what inspired them to transform care and share their best practices with others.


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Thursday, July 11, 2024
2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Rome time (CEST)



  • Sr. Maria Socorro Pilar Evidente, DC
  • Sr. Azarias Arokia Mary Selvi, FMA
  • Sr. Mwalula Yvonne Mwila, SSHJM
  • Bro. Nicholus Nuwagira



English, Italian, Spanish and French